
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Tugas speaking yang ke banyak-banyak kalinya :D

1.       How to be a good leader?
Everyone has the chance be a leader, but not all people can lead very well. There some criteria that they should have to be a good leader. The leader must have courage and confidence is high. They must be brave in the face of great challenges, courageous in taking decisions and should never be afraid to make mistakes. Flexibility, able to make changes in the way of thinking, way of acting, attitudes and behaviors to fit the demands of the particular situations and conditions faced without sacrifice the principles of life which was followed by someone. They must be honest, responsible, do not blame others for failures that occur, are able to establish good communication with employees and always excited every day and it's encouraging to everyone.
Wilson said, "Remember, the only way to be a leader for others, it means you have to be a leader for yourself first." 

2.       What can make people happy and unhappy?
We feel happy when we feel the positive things happening in our lives. Vice versa, when we feel the negative things happening in our lives, we’ll feel sad. Those positive thing such as get everything we want, graduate school, accepted at the university that we want, have the good score, have lots of money, meet with our idols, etc.. And the most one is when people are falling in love. They have a good mood. They always feel pleasure, happy, smile and others. They are enthusiastic to do everything especially when his girlfriend or her boyfriend asks to do something. But when they’re broken heart, everything’s changing. They will be sad for some days until they can move on.

3.       Love and hate are in one heart?
Love and hate are not come from in the same place. Love comes from heart while hate cames from several regions of the brain. That’s reason why the people when falling in love is difficult to control their mind because love is in heart not in mind.
Hate appears when the areas of the brain become active. One area that is activated when a person hates might also work when people judge others and predict their behavior. For instance, when we look someone, sometimes we look their behavior, he always disturb us or make us angry, that’s make us hate with him.
As for the feelings of love these brain regions appears to be disabled. While the area of ​​the putamen and insula that is activated when the hate something was also activated when the occurrence of romantic love. This relationship is likely to explain why love and hate are very closely related to each other in life.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Our Vacation

Libur panjang minggu ini (kamis, ju’mat, sabtu dan ahad) membawa kebahagiaan bagi banyak orang, termasuk Irma, Phute’ dan saya.
Di kamis pagi yang cerah kemarin, kami bertiga berlibur ke bantimurung. Tentunya bukan cuma bertiga, tetapi kita ikut pada rombongan arisan tetangga di lorong saya. Hahaha
Tepat pukul 7.30 mereka (Phute’ dan Irma) datang ke rumah. Tumben-tumbenan mereka tidak telat. :D Setelah mereka datang, kami segera berkumpul di depan lorong menunggu kedatangan bis. Sebelum bis datang, kami bergifo-gifo ria, walaupun ibu-ibu tetangga pada liatin kita, egp aja.. :D
Ini foto-foto sebelum pergi.. :)

Berenti di depan mesjid, ada yang mau pipis, kita turun juga ngadem. :)

Abis itu, kita lanjutin perjalanan lagi. Disitu, perut saya mulai mual. Emang dasar saya wong deso, gak bisa jauh-jauh naik mobil (nda’ bisa jaadi orang kaya :D) pasti sedikit-sedikit muntah. Kantung muntah yang saya sudah siapkan di tas segera ditarik dan uueeeekkkk.. huuuhhhh. Ampuunn…
Abis muntah, tiduran di paha Phute’ yang baik hati.. :)

Sampai dehhh..
Welcome to Taman Wisata Bantimurung.
Wooowww, meskipun sekarang sudah jam 10 lewat,, tapi suasana disini tuh masih kayak jam 8 pagi. Panasnya tidak terasa karena dikelilingi tebing-tebing tinggi yang diselimuti pepohonan dan dedaunan hijau. Mata langsung kinclong dehh. Sambil jalan, berbagai kupu-kupu terbang mengitari kita, seperti di film-film Barbie.. hahaha
Sambil nunggu bis yang lain datang, kita sempetin foto-foto dulu. :)

It’s time to mandiiiiiiiii

Wah, aliran air tejunnya sangat deras, tidak ada yang berani kesana, kan biasanya orang-orang pada nyandar di tebing, biar kek diterapi gitu, airnya nusuk-nusuk di badan. Tapi sayangnya, kita tidak boleh kesana. Badanku yang sangat kecil sangat mudah dibawa arus. Hahahhaa
Kita memutuskan mandi di bagian agak bawah.
Disitu seru banget banget banget skali. Hahaha
Kan kita duduk di batu yang ada di tengah-tengah air, disitu tempat lewatnya orang-orang yang pada main ban. Sebenarnya kita disitu juga menjadi pengganggu, penghalang bagi mereka. Tapi disitu tempat yang strategis untuk melihat orang-orang yang main ban jatuh terbalik. Hahahaha
Kita langsung liatin orang dari atas yang turun, kalo ada ban yang mendekat ke kita, kita langsung teriaakkk, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… orang-orang diatas ban itu pun langsung kaget dan mau tidak mau mengeluarkan dirinya dari ban biar tidak nabrak kita.
Kita yang melihat adegan-adegan berbahay itu sangat puas menertawai mereka. hahahah :D
Biasa juga kalo ada couple yang naik ban, kita teriakin. Hahaha
Pokoknya seruuuuuuuu

Trus, kita memberanikan diri beli ban besar, trus coba tuk main ban. Tapi masih tidak berani dari atas, kita coba di bagian agak bawah. Yang pertama coba, saya dan Irma..
Pertamanya takut, tapi dengan keberanian yang super duper akhirnya kita naik di ban. Phute’ dan ada cowok bantu kami tuk pegangin ban, setelah naik, ehhhh, bannya tidak mau bergerak, keberatan kali.. hahhahaha  dengan sekuat tenaga, ban yang mereka dorong pun bisa jalan.
Teriakan kami nda’ terhenti sampe airnya tidak ngalir deras. Hahahhahaa
Dan sampailah kita ke bawah, kita turun dari ban dan kembali naik. Trus, abis itu, giliranPhute’ dan saya lagi mencoba.. Waaaahhhh.. enaaaaaaaaaakkkkk.. hahahahha
Serasa mau dan mau lagi.
Tapi perut tidak bisa berkompromi, kami pun ke baruga, makan. Abis makan, ganti baju bertiga di kamar mandi. Mandinya emang lama banget skali, tapi ka wajar, kita bertiga, emak-emak diluar pada marah-marah. Hahahahha

Abis pakean, kembali ke baruga trus pulang deh..
Di jalanan luar, ada banyak took souvenir yang menjual souvenir beraneka ragam yang kebanyakan hiasan kupu-kupu, ada kupu-kupu yang dalam bingkai, ada juga yang dijual satu-satu, ada gantungan kunci yang dalamnya ada kupu-kupu, kalung, gelang, topi, baju, dan lain-lain.
Ini foto-foto kita sebelum pulang. :)

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Cewek Bonceng Tiga, What's Wrong?

Bonceng tiga.
Bagi sebagian orang, ini adalah hal yang paling tidak mereka sukai.
Mereka sangat merasa *eeeeeeuuuuuuuhhhh kalo melihat orang bonceng tiga (motor), tumpuk tiga (becak/bentor), dan sebagainya.
Apalagi kalau cewek.
What's wrong??
people just said *eeeuuuuhhhh,
but they didn't explain why they said *eeeuuuuhhh..

Ada banyak kejadian yang saya dapati tentang kejadian *bonceng tiga.

Suatu hari di parkiran,
adda orang yang bonceng tiga, trus ada cowok yang lewat,
trus dia bilang:

Ada juga cerita lain,
pacar teman saya,
eh salah, maksud saya mantan,
dia nge-larang pacarnya (waktu masih pacaran) bonceng tiga.
dan mungkin itu salah satu alasan kenapa si cowok pen putus..

Emang kamu bisa ngantarin pacar kamu kapan pun dia mau pergi?

Kalian juga tidak tahu alasan mereka bonceng tiga.
May be:
1. Mereka bertiga sahabatan, trus motornya cuman satu.
2. Kan kalo misalnya bertiga, kan gak enak kalo teman satunya naik bentor atau apa, sementara yang dua boncengan.
3. Ada alasan mendadak yang mengharuskan mereka bonceng tiga.
4. Mereka memang suka bepergia bertiga.
Kalian punya alasan yang kuat, kenapa orang tidak boleh bonceng tiga?
Don't afraid.
Katakan apa yang kalian ingin katakan, supaya orang yang selalu bonceng tiga bisa nyadar kalo apa yang mereka lakuin itu tidak bagus(kalo menurut kalian bonceng tiga/tumpuk tiga itu tidak bagus).

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Essai 2

         The best way to reduce traffic accident is to raise age limit for younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones. Do you agree?

News about the traffic accident that always present how the victim lives lost and injuries from traffic accidents is never absent from the news media every day. Traffic accidents are not only detrimental to vehicle users but also pedestrians and infrastructure damaged by vehicles. What exactly is the cause of traffic accidents? And, what should be done to reduce traffic accident? Is raise age limit for younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones the best way to reduce traffic accident?

No one can deny that a major factor in road accidents was the work of human. They often break traffic signs. Sometimes, the violation was intentional, but some of them really do not know the meaning of the rules. In addition, they also often inconsiderate on the road, driving in a drunken, sleepy, and are often provoked to race with other road users.

However, other causes of the accident are vehicle, road and weather factors. Drivers must check their vehicle conditions before traveling, such as brakes, lights and others. Roads or potholes are very dangerous for the motorcyclists. Traffic lights are not working is also very dangerous for road users, because they do not know when to stop and keep going.
Raise age limit for younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones is not the best way to reduce traffic accident. We know that teen of the drive was still unstable, but what is the reason for aged ones. Although they’re unstable but if they understand traffic signs the traffic accident will be reduced.

The most important are the road users must obey traffic signs. Therefore, the police and transportation agencies should be further socializing and so on traffic signs and give advices for road users to drive properly for safety. They could carry out these activities in the streets, offices, schools and others. Police and transportation agencies and so also should pay attention to the road infrastructure.

So, raise age limit for younger drivers and to lower age limit for the aged ones is not the best way to reduce traffic accident rather increase understanding of the rider on traffic signs.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Essai 1

Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to having babies leads on the idea that they also responsible for bringing their children up.

Many people hold the opinion on the idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to having babies leads on the idea that they also responsible for bringing their children up. Other, however disagree if the women have to bringing up their children by themselves without helping from their husband.
Some men argued that women do not have to earn money by working outside, it is the duty of the husband while the duties of women only to take care of the house, her husband and children. But we have to know that the father also has a responsibility to bringing their children up. The children need attention and affection from their parents. If it is not balanced, there will be deviations in the child's.  
Nevertheless, it does not mean that men have to spend all their time with their children without work. They may work, but they should also take the time to gather with their children, for example, hangout, accompany the children do the assignments and others. Not only when children grow up or have school, but the father also has an important role when the children were still babies. To illustrate, when the baby cried at night, the mother woke up, holding the baby and found the baby was hungry, a good father should help mother to make milk for the baby.
In conclusion, in a family, father and mother should work together to bring their children up, take care and educate their children. So, Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood.